The tundra region is the coldest biome existing on Earth. Although it is one of the most inhospitable habitats in the world, there are surprisingly quite a few interesting plants and animals that exist here. The world's major habitats characterized by the dominant forms of plant and animal life along with the climatic and geographical conditions are known as biomes. Each biome's location is defined by the climate of the region, which in turn, brings in change in the plants and animals inhabiting the region. Extremely cold temperatures and frozen, treeless landscapes characterize the tundra biome. The landscape is often laden with frost and the region is known for less precipitation, poor quality of nutrients, and extremely low temperatures. In spite of the extreme temperature conditions, the region is well-known for its considerably large ecosystem that dominates a major part of all the subtypes of tundra biome. What are the Types of Tundra Biome? The tundra is divided into three types: the Arctic tundra, the Alpine tundra, and the Antarctica tundra.

Tundra Climate Facts | Sciencing

The Alpine Tundra is very cold, located on top of high mountains, often with very few trees and little vegetative cover. They are icy for a larger part of the year. Animals in this biome include some birds, mountains goats, and marmots. There are also beetles and butterflies. Click Here to see an example of a Tundra Food Chain

what is the climate of the tundra biome in europe

Muddy areas can develop when it does warm up though as some of the ice begins to melt. Greenland is the number one place that people think of when they consider a tundra biome. They also think about areas of Alaska. However, there are also areas of Northern Canada and Northern Russia that are a tundra biome. The span of the tundra biome is mainly in areas where most people have never been. They would find such living conditions to be too harsh for them to thrive there. Tundra Biome Characteristics The temperatures are very low in the tundra biome. In the winter time they can be as low as -58 degrees F. In the summer it is rarely above 54 degrees F. It is usually very dark in the winter months. Even the summer doesn't offer much sunlight as it is often cloudy during those 6 to 8 weeks. There isn't much rainfall in such areas, less than 30 inches annually. The majority of the moisture though comes from the ice and the snow pack. Approximately ¾ of the tundra biome is permafrost. Due to the balance of animals and plants not being equal in the tundra biome, it is one of the few places on Earth known as a carbon dioxide sink.

They are also referred to as Reindeer. This is the only species of deer where both sexes develop antlers. They have a body that works very well for the climate in the tundra biome. They have very large hooves that allow them to get through the thick snow without using too much energy. These hooves also allow them to have the traction they need for walking through muddy marsh areas. They use their hooves and antlers to remove snow so that they can find sources of food. They consume lichens, shrubs, flowers, and mushrooms. When food sources are scarce in the tundra biome they are able to slow down their metabolism. There are many other types of animals that are able to live in the tundra biome. They include Grizzly Bear, Musk Ox, Snowy Owl, and the magnificent Polar Bear. Each of these animals have their own roles to play in such a society in order for all to survive. There have been a total of 48 different species of animals living in the tundra biome. v Tundra Biome Flora There are also quite a few types of plants found in the tundra biome.

According to Wikipedia, " In physical geography, tundra is a type of biome where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons. The term tundra comes through Russian from the Kildin Sami word tūndâr "uplands", "treeless mountain tract". There are three types of tundra: Arctic tundra, alpine tundra, and Antarctic tundra. In tundra, the vegetation is composed of dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. Scattered trees grow in some tundra regions. The ecotone (or ecological boundary region) between the tundra and the forest is known as the tree line or timberline. " Discovering the World of the 'tunturia' Tunturiais a Finnish word that means "treeless land" and it is where the term tundra comes from. While harsh and inhospitable, the tundra has a vibrant ecosystem that includes plants, animals, insects and more. What it has very few of are human inhabitants. There are some indigenous people who live on the tundra, but for most people, it is impossible to visit because the supplies needed to stay safe and warm in that environment are of the type only available to those with large research funds.

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