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Southern Methodist University 4 Year Dallas, TX Rating 3. 84 out of 5 1, 497 reviews #2 Top Party Schools in Texas Alum: When I arrived freshman year, I did not know ANYONE- I was the only person from my hometown and 1:15 from my entire state! I had a brief transition month where I was trying to find my way but overall, I felt everyone was warm and welcoming, eager to make new friends. Because SMU is so small, you start to see that people clique up into small groups based on their sorority/fraternity/club/major/activities. But by senior year, those walls got broken down. Even though cliques and small groups exist, it is not a closed membership experience- everyone is welcoming and seeing people on campus or at a bar is exciting and engaging. Of course, you have the people who think they are superior and will be stand-offish and rude... but that is every college. AND those people are the social-climbers who are insecure. SparkNotes version of this post: I had a huge group of true and amazing friends, excellent relationships with my professors, and a driven, work hard/play hard environment.

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Here are three things we can do to help, right now. 1. We can set you up with a data protection plan The fact is, hard drives fail. If this happens and you don't have a backup plan, we can pretty much guarantee you'll lose data. We can protect you against data loss by developing a backup plan for your computer. If you'd like to learn more, click here. Or just contact us directly. We can run a full diagnostic and give you a whole-of-computer assessment When it comes to damaged hard drives, a lot of people wait until it's too late. Either they're just not sure or they don't want the unnecessary expense. At Nerds On Call, we offer a full diagnostic service. We'll come to your home and run a batch of diagnostic tests to find out for sure if there's a problem. We'll explain any issues in clear language and talk you through your options. The best part? The only charge you'll get from us will be to cover our time costs. Click here to learn more. We'll replace your laptop or desktop hard drive for you We can install a brand new, lightning fast, high capacity hard drive to your computer.

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"The virus does as we do, " says Arenas. So analyzing epidemiological, environmental and mobility data becomes crucial to taking the right actions to contain the spread of the virus. To help deal with the pandemic, the Catalan government has created a public-private health observatory. It brings together the efforts of the administration, the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol and several research centers, such as the Center of Innovation for Data Tech and Artificial Intelligence (CIDAI), the Technology Center Eurecat, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), the University Rovira i Virgili and the University of Girona, as well as the Mobile World Capital Barcelona. The Mobile World Capital Barcelona brings to bear the GSMA AI for Impact initiative, which is guided by a taskforce of 20 mobile operators and an advisory panel from 12 UN agencies and partners. Beyond the institutions, there is a real desire to join forces to respond to the virus using technology. Dani Marco, director general of innovation and the digital economy in the government of Catalonia, makes it clear that "having comparative data on the flu and SARS-CoV-2, mobility, meteorology and population census does help us react quicker and more efficiently against the pandemic".