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Why YSK: Many people (men especially) believe that the female orgasm is directly linked to penetration and that results in those people feeling broken or disappointed when said orgasm inevitably fails to occur from penetration and not much else. The notion that female orgasms must be brought on through penetration and that anything short of purely penetrative orgasms isn't "truly" pleasurable (or that it somehow doesn't "count") is a myth that has been perpetuated by mainstream pornography for a very long time, eventually infesting pop culture and sex culture as we know it. This passage from the wonderful book She Comes First by Ian Kerner sums it up perfectly. When describing sex in the proverbial locker room, men tend to employ the language of penetration—adjectives like "hard" and "deep. " We go in, we extricate: "I fucked the ____ out of her"—as though pleasure was something buried deep inside her womb, a nugget to be rammed, jostled, and liberated with the powerful male tool. Rare is the man who says, "I made love to her as subtly and lightly as a feather"; "I grazed her vulva as with the delicate wings of a butterfly"; "I barely touched her, she came so hard! "

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Convenience is the name of the game. You will most likely have the option of having your class internet or textbook based. This means that you will either do the whole class online or out of a book. Some might use both. Tuition Rates Tuition can vary from school to school and depend on the classes you take. This is something you need to double check before you register for any independent study courses. Since the distance learning program is essentially for anyone, no matter where they live, the tuition and fees can be the same for in and out of state students. No out of state tuition is a great benefit. Check with the cashier's office at your school to get the full and complete details concerning your distance learning program. You will also have to check with the continuing education department. Your Situation Are you in a situation where you are considering independent study? Probably yes, or you wouldn't be on this page. Most people will enroll in these distance learning programs when they want to finish a degree, do some continuing education for their job, or because it is most convenient for their life.

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