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This post is a note that includes my thoughts about something I found online. Check it out yourself! When I started doing web development, we all loaded jQuery from the official global jQuery CDN. The idea was straightforward: if everybody loads the same jQuery script file ( – or whatever URL it was back then), then the script file would be cached by the browsers, and other sites requesting the same script would benefit from the speedup of already cached resources. Users would have popular libraries like jQuery already sitting in their browser cache because earlier visited sites requested them. This caching behavior was possible because, at the time, the browser's HTTP caches used the asset URL () as a single cache key. Browsers use cache keys to figure out if and how to cache a resource. If these keys only consist of the resource URL, it allows the reuse of resources across sites and domains. All this worked great, but as it is with many great inventions in web technology, cross-site resource caching enabled new ways to track users across different sites.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the Google engineer who leaked this stuff was harassed by the police!, which Google sicced on him. This is the second Google insider Project Veritas has worked with to expose bias. Here is the first from a month ago. They say they have more in the works. This is all explained in very convincing detail, including a 30 minute video interview, on the Project Veritas site, and the mainstream media. Just to prove the point, when I googled the name of the whistle-blower, Zachary Vorhies, almost nothing comes up from the mainstream media, just an article in Breitbart, which is based in Tel Aviv, and the Sun, a trashy UK newspaper, and a handful of very small alternative sites. The appropriately named Daily Beast helpfully reports that Vorhies has been outspoken about Jewish influence in the media and government, Pizzagate, and 9/11 conspiracies. We're also on vacation, so this will be brief, but here is one of the lists of blocked sites, the ones kept off the 'Google Now' news stream on Android phones.

With Chrome's market share of roughly 70%, most browsers hitting our sites will use partitioned browser caches from now on. Chrome went for combining the top-level site URL, the current frame site URL, and the resource URL. This approach is more granular than what Safari does, but the result is the same. If your sites request the global jQuery, modules from, font files from Google fonts or GA's (Google Analytics), users will redownload the resources no matter if they downloaded and cached them for other sites already. What does this change mean for you? If your sites live on modern hosting that provides a CDN and supports HTTP/2, you can drop the third-parties and should ship all resources yourself. Relying on a third-party provides little value in 2020. I have mixed feelings about these changes. It's excellent that browsers consider privacy, but it looks like anything can be misused for tracking purposes these days. I wonder where we're going with this... 😢 If you're interested in learning more on this topic you can give Terence Eden's post "Please stop using CDNs for external Javascript libraries" or Andy Davies' post "Safari, Caching and Third-Party Resources" a read, too.

This post first appeared on Russia Insider Charles is the founder and editor of Russia Insider. He can be reached at [email protected] Follow him on Twitter and on Steemit. Project Veritas is starting to compete with Wikileaks in terms of the amount of evil they are uncovering in our techno-surveillance state. They are doing amazing work. Everyone should be following and sharing them on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. They lean pro-Republican, and are successful in raising a $1 million plus annual budget from conservative boomers and the GOP, allowing them to do their groundbreaking investigative work. Their latest bombshell should be a much bigger deal than it has been, and the only reason I can think of why it hasn't is that they published it smack in the middle of August, when the beltway media-politician scrum is at the beach or in the hills. In a nutshell, a Google insider has leaked a ton of documents proving what everyone knows is true, but which Google CEO Sundar Panchai swore under oath recently before Congress is not, that Google uses algorithms to keeps many sites out of search results and the Android 'Google Now' news stream, mostly conservative and pro-Trump ones.

And hey, this post was trending on Hacker News. 🎉 If you're interested, here are the Hacker News comments.

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Russia Insider is on it along with mainstream heavyweights Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Infowars and the Daily Caller. Other notable and influential sites on the list are The Gateway Pundit, The American Thinker, Lew Rockwell, Natural News, and Vdare. The list includes the excellent and very large alt-right sites The Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff. Going through the list I recognized about 30 more names which I would say are legitimate news sources. The list is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-Trump. As I explained in my recent summer fund drive appeal, I am convinced that these efforts to squelch conservative voices is backfiring massively, and will not succeed. The technology in our favor is simply too powerful. The more you try to stamp us out, the more people want to read us. Funny how that works. Here's the interview with the whistle-blower. It is very convincing. Anyone is free to republish, copy, and redistribute the text in this content (but not the images or videos) in any medium or format, with the right to remix, transform, and build upon it, even commercially, as long as they provide a backlink and credit to Russia Insider.

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