Therefore, it is important to carefully assess the likelihood and potential impact of BYOD risks before establishing a BYOD program. Data security and privacy is the first and largest risk to be aware of when implementing a BYOD program. The data you collect is frequently the lifeblood of your organization. Keeping your company's lifeblood inside your organization and not letting it bleed out into the world is both crucial and potentially difficult. It is easier to maintain the security of data if it is all kept in one geographic location under lock and key - a paper filing cabinet is harder to obtain data from than, say, a cell phone left in the back seat of a cab Your policy may reflect some limitations on which devices are acceptable to use, as an example - you probably don't want jailbroken phones on your corporate network. Intermingling of data is more likely with BYOD devices. With a BYOD program, if you find yourself in litigation, you may end up investigating nooks and crannies for data that you didn't even realize existed.

To byod or not to byod

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  • What does BYOD mean? - Quora
  • To byod or not to byod with networking
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To BYOD or not to BYOD by Frank Kirby

Increased Chance of a Malware Attack The thing about BYOD is you can never be entirely sure where the connecting devices are coming from. This means there is potentially thousands of unknown devices that can be weaponised by hackers and used to attack your network. Hackers view schools as an easy target and the consequences of your school suffering a malware attack can be devastating considering the amount of sensitive and valuable information on your servers. It's important you have great IT security with some of the finest firewalls and a proactive response to phishing and malware attacks. A BYOD practice increases the chances of your school suffering a cyber-attack because of the sheer number of devices connecting to your network. How HP for Education Helps If your school wants to install a cost-effective BYOD ecosystem that is equipped with the best IT security, HP for Education gives your school the devices at a discounted price. ITEC manages the installation, meaning you get the best support and the best devices equipped with the best security protocols.

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To byod or not to byod with networking