1. Different kinds of braces for adults
  2. The Different Types of Braces and How to Choose the Right Kind for You
  3. What is the best braces for adults

What Are Standard Braces? Conventional braces have actually advanced given that the early days and are now lighter in weight and structure than they used to be. They are made from a top-quality stainless steel and have metal brackets that are connected to each tooth utilizing a type of cement. The brackets are connected to each other with a thin archwire, which puts pressure on the teeth to cause them to move gradually into the correct position. The archwires are linked to the brackets utilizing tiny elastics referred to as ligatures or o-rings, which your orthodontist will alter each time he tightens up the braces. Some types of braces have brackets that do not need o-rings, and these are called self-ligating braces. What Are Ceramic Braces? These work in the same method as standard braces, however the brackets are made from a clear, transparent ceramic material. The braces are less visible to others, makings them a popular choice for adults who require orthodontic treatment. Patients using these types of braces occasionally discover that the elastics end up being stained, which can cause marks on the teeth, as described by the orthodontics practice of Drs.

Different kinds of braces for adults

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The Different Types of Braces and How to Choose the Right Kind for You

Contact us today to set up your visit, or read about your first orthodontic visit to The Happy Tooth first. Hopefully, you feel more informed about the types of braces available now. And know that you can trust The Happy Tooth to help determine the right treatment type and plan for you. Find a Location Meet the Team Switch to a Brighter Smile Hey, new patients! We are currently offering a New Patient Special to keep your smile bright and healthy. Take advantage of this offer at any of our conveniently located North Carolina offices. We hope to see you soon!

What is the best braces for adults

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