It plays a role in a balanced growth of a child including all the elements like excellent academic development, extra-curricular activities as well as develops the child into a well balanced human being. #10 – The child in a good school will use his mind and also develop his whole personality. There will be a well rounded growth of the student when studying in an excellent school. A good school will look after all the aspects their personality and bring all the good traits of the students to the forefront. Dr. Patricia Fioriello is the founder of - place to discover the latest hot topics in education and best ways to address current education issues. DRPF Consults designs school eBooks covering the most critical topics about education problems in today's schools. Read more about DRPF Consults and connect with Dr. Patricia Fioriello on LinkedIn. Check out our blogging article on GoDaddy.

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State schools are cheaper. It is like that everywhere. A bachelors degree can take 3 - 5 years. There is no such thing as a "four year degree" or a "three year degree". Some schools have different scheduling which results in different times. The classes at my university are 12 weeks for example, and because it goes year round, it is possible to get a bachelors degree in three years. I wouldn't base it on school, but since you asked, I'd probably pick the one from Devry because it was more expensive. In reality, I wouldn't make a decision like that, but in isolation, I would. Originally Posted by kernelhaxor Um, a bachelors is a bachelors, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get it. One could go part time and get it is 6 years. Would that make it more valuable? If an employer is going to make a decision based on where you got your education and not the quality of education then I probably wouldn't work for them in the first place. What I mean is that an employer shouldn't hire or not hire you based on where you went to school but whether you're really qualified for a job.