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Served by air, bus, and train; major airport serves Philadelphia. Public bus transportation serves campus.

Verizon detailed billing text messages phone number

Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency.

They will earn more money (in general) than LPNs or LVNs and are supposed to have more responsibility. However, nurses with an ADN may find it difficult to land certain types of advanced nursing jobs (such as in critical care) or in management, if that is their goal. Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Nurses who go on to a four-year university to obtain an BSN also must write the same licensing exam as those who study for their associate degree. However, nurses with a BSN have a broader area open to them, from the more advanced types of nursing, to management and even teaching in certain area. So, Which Is Right for You? Regardless of which level of education you have, the goal is the same: to help the patients. So, which one you go for depends on what your needs and wants are. * Do you want to work as soon as possible? If so, LPN may be the right route for you. You can always go back to school and upgrade if you want. * Do you want to be a bit more advanced than an LPN but you don't have the time or marks to get into a four-year university?

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